Best Mac Mini For Plex Server


Best mac mini for plex serverMac - Recommended Products: Mac Mini, Samsung T5 SSD By now, you’ve probably moved most of your music listening over to your streaming service of choice. How to Turn Your Mac Mini Into a Plex Streaming Server - Flipboard. Best Mac Mini for Plex Server. What's up guys, I'm thinking about getting a mac mini so I can put some downloadscrappers on it (couchpatato, sickrage etc) and use it as a plex server. What model would be best? Would the entry-level mac mini be goog enough? It has a 1,4-GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processor and 4 GB of ram. GUZILA Fanless Mini PC. 9.7/10 our score. Windows 10 ospre-installed with windows 10. There's the Plex Media Server app and the Plex Media Player app. The Plex Media Server is responsible for accessing your videos and sending them to the Plex Media Player apps on other devices. The device on which you're running the Plex Media Server app needs a) to have access to all of your videos, and b) to be running 24/7.

Best Mac Mini For Plex Server

I'm gonna be honest upfront, I'm looking to save myself a couple hours of Google boredom.
I recently got a Roku stick for my TV, I feed it via a Plex server on my laptop. The actual media is stored on a NAS that is always on, I'm getting tired of having my laptop open while I listen to music or watch a movie.
So, what is the cheapest single board computer (SBC) that will run my plex and just hum along with little maintenance from me? Hopefully the system will be nothing but an SBC and a power supply. Requirements?
1) Cheap
2) Quiet
3) Wireless
I'm assuming it will run Linux, which I'm very comfortable with. But I'm not ruling out other OS's.